accessibility of lakeshore |
possible of access
Source: SMPI Location: prevailing
Date: 01-01-1974
slope angle of lakeshore |
Source: SMPI Location: prevailing
Date: 01-01-1974
slope angle of lakeshore |
Source: SMPI Location: in places
Date: 01-01-1974
slope angle of lakeshore |
Source: SMPI Location: west
Date: 01-01-1974
photograph Pašvaldības īpašums 130 m x 30 m R krastā. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 11-12-2016
photograph Iedzīvotāji mazliet labiekārtojuši pašvaldības īpašumu. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 11-12-2016
photograph Kaut ko arī iebūvējuši. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 11-12-2016
photograph A krastā saglabājušies dažas neapbūvētas vietas. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 25-11-2016
photograph Plakāts informē par privātu teritoriju un atļauju pārvietoties tikai Zvejniecības likumā noteiktajos gadījumos. (2) |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north-east
Date: 25-11-2016
photograph Plakāts informē par privātu teritoriju un atļauju pārvietoties tikai Zvejniecības likumā noteiktajos gadījumos. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south
Date: 19-10-2016
photograph Peldošā laipa uz sēkļa. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 19-10-2016
photograph Piekļūšanas vieta pie ezera. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 19-10-2016
photograph Krasts pie Pērlēm, ūdens līmenis netipiski zems. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north
Date: 19-10-2016
photograph Krasts pie Villas Baltezers, zems ūdens līmenis. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 19-10-2016
photograph Ceļš uz Villu Baltezers, žoga aizsargjoslā vairs nav. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 19-10-2016
photograph ZA līcis blakus Alderu pludmalei. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north-east
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Pērles. Skats no Z daļas sēkļa. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Normāli apbūvēts krasts - dzīvojamā ēka pieklājīgā attālumā no ūdens, saglabāti koki, nepārveidota krasta līnija. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Nostiprināts krasts. Par laimi M.Baltezerā tādu ir maz. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Piestātne ar pagaru laipu. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Divstāvu dzīvojamā māja. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Krasts pie Baltezera kanāla iztekas tiek aizsargāts pret eroziju. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: south-west
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Krasts pie Baltezera sūkņu stacijas. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: south
Date: 29-06-2016
photograph Uzbērts, betona blokiem pa perimetru norobežots krasta posms, piegulošs villai Baltezers. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: south-west
Date: 25-05-2016
photograph Aizaudzis neliels līcis, tagad purvains krasts. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: south-west
Date: 25-05-2016
photograph A krasts. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 07-04-2016
photograph Krasta stiprinājumi. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 07-04-2016
photograph DR krasts (D no Baltezera kanāla). |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph DR krasts (D no Baltezera kanāla). (2) |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph Pašvaldības ceļš DR krastā (D no Baltezera kanāla). |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph Ceļš uz villu Baltezers. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph DR krasts. Villai Baltezers piegulošā teritorija. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph DR krasts. Villai Baltezers piegulošā teritorija. Krasts nostiprināts ar betona blokiem. Piekraste. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph DR krasts (D no Baltezera kanāla). (3) |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph M.Baltezera krasts pie Baltezera kanāla iztekas. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph M.Baltezera krasts pie Baltezera kanāla iztekas. (2) |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph M.Baltezera krasts pie Baltezera kanāla iztekas. (3) |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph M.Baltezera krasts pie Baltezera kanāla iztekas. (4) |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 04-04-2016
photograph Baltezera kanāla Z krasts - pašvaldības īpašums. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: south-west
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph DR krasts veikala apkārtnē. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: south-west
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph R krasts, skats no veloceliņa. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph R krasts pie A1. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Krasts pie bijušās atpūtas bāzes. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Krasts pie bijušās atpūtas bāzes. (2) |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Krasts pie bijušās atpūtas bāzes. Vīteņaugi izbēguši savvaļā. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Krasts pie bijušās atpūtas bāzes. (3) |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Pērles. Apkārtne. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Pērles un zilaļģes. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Pērles. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Krasts pie bijušās atpūtas bāzes. (4) |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Pērles no krasta puses. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 26-09-2015
photograph Krasta apbūve. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Apbūve, kas daļēji paslēpta aiz kokiem. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Vecā apbūve Baltezera sūkņu stacijas rajonā. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Viena no daudzajām laivu piestātnēm. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Kopts krasts un apbūve pieņemamā attālumā no ūdens. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Vecā un ne pārāk senā apbūve. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Baltezera stāvošais policists. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph DR krasta apbūve. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Nostiprināts krasts. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Krasts pie Baltezera kanāla iztekas. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph R krasta apbūve. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Veiksmīgs jaunās apbūves risinājums. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph R krasts un piekraste. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph R krasts un piekraste. (2) |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Saprātīgi būvēts. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Neapbūvēts posms. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Ar betona plāksnēm iežogota teritorija. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north-west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Ar ezeru savienota rakta lagūna, savienojumam pāri - tiltiņš. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north-west
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Pareiza būve nepareizā vietā - Pērles. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph :) "... radījām māju, kas saplūst ar apkārtējo dabas ainavu un turpina tās aprises" - citāta avots: |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph :) "Organiskums, tīras arhitektūras līnijas un atvērtība gleznainajam ezeram ..." - citāta avots: |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph :) "... dekoratīvā koka apdare harmoniski iekļaujas apkārtējā ainavā ..." - citāta avots: |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Dzīvojamā apbūve blakus Pērlēm. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Z krasts pie Gaujas kanāla ietekas. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Krasta apbūve Alderos. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north-east
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Vecā apbūve Alderos. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north-east
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Ceļš kājāmgājējiem. Skats no Alderu ielas. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 26-08-2014
photograph Panorāma. "Pērļu" krasts. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 07-01-2013
photograph Vecās piestātnes paliekas. |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 07-01-2013
photograph Vecās piestātnes paliekas. (2) |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 07-01-2013
photograph Vecās piestātnes paliekas. (3) |

photograph: Vita Licite
Location: north
Date: 07-01-2013
photograph Panorāma. Būvdarbi ezera krastā. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph Jahta ezera piekrastē. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph Panorāma. Krasts Alderos. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: north-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph Panorāma. DA krasts nav apbūvēts un ir pieejams. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph Panorāma. Krasts pie Baltezera sūkņu stacijas. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph DA krasts netālu no sūkņu stacijas, vietā, kur ir pieeja ezeram. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph Veids, kā pie Baltezera tiek norobežota tauvas josla. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph DA krastā piekļūšana pie ezera ir iespējama. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph Pieejas vieta pie ezera DA krastā. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: south-east
Date: 26-09-2011
photograph Baltezera kuģošanas līdzekļi R piekrastē. |

photograph: Janis Spruds
Location: west
Date: 26-09-2011
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