Database database contains information about all lakes in Latvia. Our data is used on a daily basis by state agencies and private organizations, as well hundreds of lake owners, fishermen and other friends of nature.

Database like no others
The database contains aggregated information from books, research papers, and other sources. The developement of the database was started in 1999, and we're now the leading information source about lakes in Latvia. We have recently added geo-location information to our database, and we're proud to be one of the first websites in Latvia which use Google Maps to display location of it's objects. More abot database information see (in latvian).
State-of-the-art technology
We're using Memcached servers to store the most frequently accessed information. Because of our cache servers, we're able to return information from our huge database in just microseconds. We have also developed an AJAX based "Advanced Search" tool which allows you to search our database and instantly see results to even the most complex search queries.
Searching lakes
You should be aware that a lake can have many different names. Only the official name will be shown in the results.
Adding information in the database
You can also supplement the information in the database
Database access
To prevent unauthorized copying of our database, unregistered users have access to limited information only. Furthermore, we are required by the law to restrict access to certain sensitive information about endangered animals and vegetation.